WTF File: Vajazzling

What’s “vajazzling” you ask? Ladies, brace yourself. It seems there’s a new trend in town, vying for the spot of Brazilian waxing, and that’s vajazzling. Remember that bedazzler you had back in second grade to accessorize your jean jackets, shirts and shoes? Now picture that one a more, ahem, sensitive area. Vajazzling is the process of getting swarovski crystals glued down low in different designs or patterns. You must get a Brazilian or shave prior to getting this done, and there are salons that specialize in this. Jennifer Love Hewitt is an open fan, but I just can’t see this catching on too widely. Salons in New York like Completely Bare specialize in it. What do we think ladies, are you open to making your lady parts shine like a disco ball?

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