Ever notice how some brands of jeans fit your body better than others? Well a new site has come along that picks out specific brands and cuts that flatter your figure. TrueJeans.com works with you to find the perfect pair. First, you measure your dimensions, second you pick out the qualities you like in a pair of jeans ie. bootcut vs. flair; low rise vs. high rise. Third, the site rates jeans that work best with your body. It’s as close to customization as you’ll get. Also, they carry great brands such as: Paige Premium Denim, Chip and Pepper, Kasil, Hudson, Antik, J & Company etc.
I did this – and it actually picked my favorite pair of jeans i own as the best ones for me.(Paige – they are awesome for someone with really long legs like me) So they do know what they are talking about!