It’s the middle of flip flop season and the last thing you need is calloused and cracked feet. Well I hate when I get a pedicure and they use the callous shaver because i feel like it’s a recipe for a staph infection, but I found the perfect product to get smooth feet. The Artemis heel smoother is a handheld device with two different attachments that removes dead skin cells and callouses from your heels and toes. It’s waterproof so you can use it in the shower and it’s all yours so you won’t have to worry about other people’s germs. The smoothing stones really work, I’ve only used mine twice and have seen a big difference and the product retails at around $29. I give it an “A.”
I give it an “A” also…it’s the best devise for removing all the dead, awful skin on the bottom of feet. I received one as a mother’s day gift and I’m addicated. All my friends are buying them now. How did we ever live without this thing before. It’s a genius invention. Thanks for this review!
Bambe Levine
Great Neck, Long Island