By Alex Valenzuela
HOLY COW! How AMAZING was the spring finale of PLL this week! Such a cliff-hanger, I can barely contain wait for next season! This episode the girls come together to finally find out who this mysterious “A” is but things of course don’t go according to plan, putting their plan and their lives at risk. But before I get into the bad details, Aria finally got good news- Ezra has found a better teaching job and is leaving Rosewood High allowing him and Aria to finally be together, but before she gets too excited she finds out he is working with his ex Jackie.
After finding that key that Jenna told Caleb she was looking for, the girls confront Jenna about the incriminating video they found of Toby and Jenna. Jenna is worried about the video getting out, but the girls ensure her that it will be safe, but she won’t get it. Jenna of course doesn’t believe them and makes a mysterious phone call to Ian and of course he assures he will take care of it. Guilty much? As if Jenna isn’t our favorite already, she is caught kissing Garrett the cop assigned to the girl’s case, just another thing working against the girls.
As I said earlier this episode was full of drama! Spencer and Melissa are in a car accident and while Spencer is okay, Melissa is injured. With Spencer busy with the aftermath of the accident, Emily, Aria, and Hanna decide to trap Ian so he will finally confess to what he did. They send him a text about the videos they found and wait for him to incriminate himself, but instead of showing he corners Spencer at the church causing a big problem. The girls are on the phone during the fight between Spencer and Ian and rush to save her but someone gets to her before they do. A “mysterious” figure manages to save Spencer while Ian falls and seems badly injured. When the girls get to the phone to call the police, of course Ian’s body is nowhere to be found. As the episode comes to a end, Rosewood is left to wonder how much truth the girls have been telling and A assures them that its far from over.
I will miss covering the fashion on the show each week, but I know that it will be back and for the finale the fashion was better than ever! Check out looks from our favorite little liars! I will be back when the new season airs this summer!
Jacket: A.L.C
Jeans: Paige Premium
Boots: Diba
Boots: Steve Madden
Necklace: Marc by Marc Jacobs
Shirt: BDG at Urban Outfitters
Jeans: BDG at Urban Outfitters
Jacket: Cooperative at Urban Outfitters
Boots: Off the Beaten Track at Nordstrom
Necklace: Marc by Marc JacobsSweater: Jamison
Leggings: American Apparel
Shoes: Asos