If you’ve been following along, you know that I am newly pregnant after a very long journey and multiple rounds of IVF. After years of IVF, I became an expert in chemicals that not only disrupt our fertility, but cause cancers and other diseases. Unfortunately, most of the stuff in your medicine cabinet and makeup…
Clean Beauty and Makeup for Pregnancy

We’re Pregnant! Inside Our Embryo Transfer and First Trimester

Some exciting news to share — after four rounds of egg retrievals, I did my very first embryo transfer in November and luckily for us, the first time was the charm. We realize how extremely lucky we are. So many of my friends went through three or four transfers (which are intense physically and expensive)…
The Best Kitchen Island Chairs

We recently completely renovated our Park Slope, Brooklyn brownstone and one of the biggest jobs was our kitchen. Before, the kitchen was cramped, lacked enough cabinets and had walls blocking off the living room. Our best decision was to knock down those walls and create a long quartz island between the kitchen and living room,…
6 Top Tips for Looking After Your Glasses

Tens of millions of people around the world need to wear glasses to improve their eyesight. Glasses are accessories which can be stylish and sleek, but they are also a necessity for most people who wear them. They can be expensive to purchase, but by taking the right steps to look after them you could…
Awesome Fashion Tips: Why Less Is Sometimes More

Fashion is all about showing off your personality, but too many clothes can take away from that. When you are trying to show off one item in particular, it’s best not to wear anything else on top of it. This way the eye will be drawn right to what you want them to notice! How…
Proven Ways to Quickly Sell Your Mobile Home

A mobile home is a prefabricated house that can be easily moved from one location to another. They are also called manufactured houses or trailers, and there are many models available today. There are many reasons that people might wish to sell their mobile homes. For some, this is because they have decided that they…