By Joey Cahue Earrings can freshen up any look. Casual or formal, there’s a perfect pair for everyone to accessorize them as the icing on the cake, or even as a statement piece. For everyday use, many tend to keep it traditional with some studs or pearls. Although both are timeless and work with anything,…
Trend Alert: The Best Geometric Earrings

Where to Eat In Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina is one of the country’s best cities for foodies. Charleston boats loads of Michellin-starred restaurants, the most delicious and decadent Southern fare and fresh seafood caught earlier in the day. One of our favorite things to do when we visit is eat and drink our way through the city. Read on for…
Travel Guide: Stockholm, Sweden

The last stop on our Northern European trip was Stockholm, Sweden, and both myself and my fiance were blown away by how much we loved the city. Stockholm revolves around water and is built up of dozens of little islands, each with their own feel. Read on for the ultimate Stockholm Travel guide, along with…
IVF Round 4 Embryo Results

We go in for the procedure on Monday morning and at this point the three of us have this down pat. This is our fourth round of IVF and the third one where we had a surgery, so we are old pros even though this started out as what I thought would be one round…
Our Favorite Books of 2018

As 2018 comes to a close, I wanted to recap some of my favorite books I read this year. Many are new releases, some are oldies but goodies, and some are books I should have read a LOT sooner (I see you, Neapolitan novels) Each year, I sign up for Goodreads Reading challenge. It’s a…
Ski Bunny Chic: The Perfect Fitted Ski Pants & Suits

One of the questions I get asked the most from fashion-conscious friends and readers is how to look cute during a ski vacation. The endless layers of clothing plus the bulky ski pants and helmut don’t exactly scream ski bunny. But, I’ve been on the lookout for great technical wear literally for years, and luckily,…