So last night Bravo launched a reality show called NYC Prep that is basically the “real” version of Gossip Girl. The show chronicles the lives of the NYC prep school set between the ages of 16 and 18 and let me tell you, I f’n love it. Growing up in New York I felt like I was back in high school. These kids are not only pretentious, but they’re boozers equipped with fake IDs, what’s not to love. I also already found my villain — Jessie. She’s a senior at a prep school and is extremely self-absorbed and can’t get through half a sentence without saying “like.” My fave part was when PC (her ex b/f whom she is still completely obsessed with) calls her a “major c-word” Also, PC is fun to hate. He’s definitely the type of condescending guy that goes Ivy League, moves back to New York, becomes an i-banker and then promptly finds himself with a major coke addiction. So far I love Kelli, Taylor and Camille — they remind me of less manipulative Blair Waldorfs complete with cute headbands. I also love how Sebastian uses his French to pick up ladies by saying such profound and romantic things such as “you’re hot.”
Thank God Bravo introduced this just in time to save me from summer re-runs. I think I found my next guilty pleasure!