I’m so ready for spring, hence this post on high-waisted mini skirts which are going to be huge over the next few months. But it pains me that as I write this, about a foot of snow is getting ready to descend on New York and cause havok. Seriously, haven’t we had enough snow already????
OK, enough ranting from me. Let’s think warmer thoughts, shall we? Right now is the perfect time to get your hands on these adorable high-waisted mini skirts. What’s fun about them is that they come in soooo many fun, colorful patterns, so try to stay away from solid colors on this trend. You can pair this with a tank, vest, long sleeves, it’s kinda a versatile look. Urban Outfitters has a ton of cute ones to chose from, happy shopping!
Those are adorable! I didn’t know the high-waisted skirt was “in” this year…I can’t imagine high-waisted pants ever making a comeback but I like the skirt! Very cute.
Also, just wanted to say that I love your blog! Have you ever looked into fair trade jewelry? I just ran across a site that has some gorgeous stuff, and it’s cool that it’s also helping people in third world countries. You should check it out! http://www.theandeancollection.com