I cannot stop raving about Rosebud Perfume Co. Smith’s Rosebud Salve
. Seriously, this product is the best lip balm I’ve ever tried. Last week I had really chapped lips and a friend of mine recommended it and seriously a few hours after applying my lips were fine. I’ve used it everyday since and despite the cold weather my lips have been the smoothest they’ve ever been. It’s a total must-have for any beauty junky and there is an awesome story behind it. The balm has been around since 1892 and was begun in Maryland by a pharmacist. Well, the family that started it still runs it out of Maryland and they are so old-fashioned they don’t even use computers or any other new technology. Instead they use typewriters and operate the business not much differently than their ancestors. I’ve only tried the traditional flavor which really smells like roses, but there are also strawberry, minted rose and a few other varieties. I’ve heard that the rosebud one is the best. Click the link above to get it for $5.59.
During winters i usually have a hard time with my lips.Thanks for giving a good suggestion.I hope this works out for me too.The cost is also great maybe i’ll try this out this time.
I can vouch for this. I get my salve at Sephora, and it is without a doubt, the best balm I have ever tried. It can be used for many things, like blemishes. :]
I love that stuff.