By Francesca Claybrook
May’s issue of Marie Claire magazine features Jessica Simpson on the cover without any makeup or retouching at all. I like this new trend of showing celebrities and models without the airbrushing that has been so common lately, and I have to say that for me it doesn’t detract from their beauty whatsoever. Take Ms. Simpson for example. On the cover and in the photo spread inside the magazine she looks absolutely beautiful. In fact, I would argue that she looks much better here than she does with heavy makeup and overworked hair. Jessica’s been getting her fair share of headlines lately, and only some of these are about her appearance on the cover of Marie Claire. It seems she has been in the mood to share her personal grooming habits, and they’re not pretty. Jessica admitted that she doesn’t brush her teeth, saying “I just use Listerine – and sometimes I’ll use my sweater.” And in the interview accompanying her Marie Claire spread she stated that “if I’m in a hang out mood, I won’t even wash [my hair]. I’ll wait until it smells.” Natural beauty is one thing, but this is another.