I’m Baaack

Hey all, I’m back from Miami and have some gossip. A few friends and I went downt o Miami for fashion week and had a little too much fun, seriosuly I’m still recovering. Here’s a little recap. First off, we stayed in the same hotel as America’s Top Model winner Jaslene. She is gorgeous in person, stick thin but shorter than we expected. Some other highlights, We attended Michelle Rodriguez’s birthday party at Mansion. OJ Simpson and wrestler Battista were also in attendance. Battista is hot but he was a little ahem “preoccupied” with a blonde.

 We spent a lot of time chilling at the Delano and Shore club. Even got a little gossip from one of the workers at the Delano. Apparently he has carried a certain red headed celebrity who was just released from rehab up to her room many a time since she was too incoherent to walk (I think you can put 2 and 2 together) he also said Tara Reid is really down to earth.

 Also, Jessica Simpson was staying at the Shore Club with her fam to preview her swim  line.


  1. what was michelle rodriguez like? i hear she djed. how was it? meet her? any good storiez?

    hope no one got too close to oj. ha.

  2. Millionzboy: We didn’t go talk to Michelle but we were really close to her. She did dj. She started off with a club remix of “Another Brick in the Wall” which was hot but then it was downhill from there. The crowd kinda wasn’t into it but she was fun to watch. All of her djing motions were EXTREMELY exaggerated. She kept swinging her arms and dancing like a maniac. Also, there were about 4 djs surrounding her telling her which buttons to press so she wouldn’t screw up. She seems pretty laid back. She was wearing jeans and a wife beater and hoodie and when her bday cake came out she stuck her finger in the frosting and shoved it in her mouth which was kinda gross.

    Yes, we stayed FAR away from OJ 😉

    — Bella

  3. kool. well it was her first time i think right. and better crazy fun than boring i guess. nice recall of events. muchas gracias.