Gossip Girl Fashion Recap: “War at the Roses”

By Francesca Claybrook

I’m sitting here trying to figure out how to sum up last night’s Gossip Girl fashion, and I don’t know what to say. I didn’t really like it, but I didn’t hate it either, so that makes it hard to work out exactly what I think. So far, my thoughts seem to want to come out in bullet points:
· I like that Blair and Chuck matched in the party scene. Even when they’re enemies, they’re on the same wavelength somehow.
· Serena is clearly not going to be able to resist sleeping with her professor if every time she sees him she wears the equivalent of the amount of fabric a normal person would use as a scarf
· Serena has also developed a liking for large, chunky jewelry this season. While for the most part it looks nice, it’s kind of loud. I kept getting distracted by the clacks her bracelets made this episode – and it’s not the first time this has happened. (For future reference, Vanessa seems to suffer from this problem as well)d
· Blair’s headband is back! And it featured prominently (along with a classic suit) at the Blair and Chuck Peace Treaty Summit of 2010.
· Gossip Girl gets the BEST cameos in all of television, hands down. Cynthia Rowley, Joe Zee, and Rachel Zoe all in one episode, plus RZ gets chocolate dumped on her head? Priceless.
Until next week, let’s ponder the significance of Serena’s new chunky necklace fetish (is it her equivalent of Blair’s headbands somehow?) and keep our fingers crossed that the next episode’s fashion is as good as the preview seems to suggest! XOXO.

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