Gossip Girl Fashion Recap: “Inglorious Bassterds”

By Francesca Claybrook
This week, thanks to Nate’s Assassins party, most of the cast spent most of the episode in black. While I love wearing black (I’m probably in it at least 50% of the time), it doesn’t make for a lot to talk about here. What stood out most was the giant black chain necklaces Serena and Vanessa were wearing. I can’t say I really liked them. Nor did I like the jumpsuit Vanessa wore to the party. Guys, jumpsuits are not ok! Finally, the black knit hats many of the party-goers wore did nothing for them, and I couldn’t help but wondering – if you’re playing a game in which being inconspicuous is the key, why wear black knit hats everywhere? They seem like they would be kind of conspicuous on the Upper East Side. And so I know this recap is starting to become something of a Blair Waldorf love fest, but she was the best dressed character again this week. Her Matthew Williamson dress was absolutely gorgeous. I’m so mad I can’t find a picture of her in it for you guys, but you can see the dress on Matthew Williamson’s website here. However, even she made a (quasi) misstep, if you can even call it that. It seems to me that the black and gold dress she wore the first half of the episode was the exact same as the gray dress she wore last episode, just in a different fabric. And finally, is it just me, or did Nate steal one of Rufus’s sweaters?

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