Gossip Girl Fashion Recap: “It-Girl Happened One Night”

By Francesca Claybrook

With all the excitement of Fashion Week I have to confess that I almost completely forgot about Gossip Girl. Lucky for you all, I remembered just in time to write the weekly fashion recap.  Serena opened the show in an oversized white button-down shirt, which I actually wished she had worn as a regular top rather than a pajama top.  I think she really could have pulled it off (with pants of course!), and it would have been a nice change of pace for her.

And speaking of changes of pace, Blair wore PANTS to open the episode.  (She also wore a pretty great metallic jacket too).  I was just thinking last week how I couldn’t remember the last time I had seen Blair in pants, and voila!  Pants.  And cute ones too!  Just look at the picture for proof.

I was not as big a fan of the girls’ mid-show outfits.  Blair’s poncho and skirt would have been ok separately, but they didn’t work for me together.  And Serena looked good in her layered sweaters and shearling jacket from the waist up, but below the waist there was too much hanging fabric at strange angles (although all that bulky fabric did make her legs look extra skinny!)  I would have taken off the sweater-y vest thing, personally.

And at the usual end-of-show party (and by the way, how do the writers keep coming up with so many ideas for parties?  Surely they’ll run out some time?), it was Blair’s dress that I liked from the waist up, but the spaced out floral pattern on the bottom half did nothing for me.  I actually liked Serena’s dress a lot.  Sure, it was low cut, but especially once I figured out that it was a floor-length dress it actually seemed almost toned down for her.  I liked Raina’s dress, but what I especially liked was the choice of a red clutch to go with it – that made the look for me.  And the most bizarre costume choice was when Serena met Ben at the bar.  In her black dress, black coat, and red scarf she totally matched the interior of the bar (all dark, with red lighting under the bar).  Weird.

Stay tuned for next week, where it looks like Blair hits a series of home runs with her outfits.  I can’t wait!

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