Gossip Girl Fashion Recap: “Juliet Doesn’t Live Here Anymore”

By Francesca Claybrook

Yes! It happened! An episode where I don’t have (many) complaints about what people are wearing! Most characters knocked it out of the park this time, and even the complaints that I might normally have I can’t seem to summon today. Let’s see, where to begin…well, Serena’s first outfit I thought was beautiful. I would kill for that gray sweater. However, my one real complaint of the evening is that the blazer look is getting a little old. It seems like every character (but especially Serena, and now Juliet) has been pretty blazer-heavy this season. Moving on though, even Serena’s formal dress, with its somewhat bizarre side-train, didn’t bother me. I loved the color, and the lace overlay was pretty nice. Blair’s first outfit didn’t do a whole lot for me, although I didn’t have any major problems with it, but I absolutely loved her dress for the ballet event. The cut and fit were both stunning. And while I usually have a problem with floral prints (most of them seem too grandmotherly to me), the prints in this episode were all beautiful. So good job, Gossip Girl! And as a footnote (because the guys’ style is pretty much always a footnote to the girls’ isn’t it?), there were a lot of great ties in this episode. Well done, Gossip guys as well!

See prior Gossip Girl Fashion Recaps here

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