So I finally got my CLARISONIC Skincare System
after hearing people rave about it for months, and i’m going to take you through my journey with the face washer. For those of you that have been living under a rock and never heard of it, it’s a face brush from the makers of the Sonicare toothbrush that rotates at a speed of 300 movements per second using sonic technology. Now the kit is $200, which most people balk at, but I have to say — I’m on day 4 and am seeing results already.
You use the system morning and night and it’s quick and easy. Twenty seconds for your forehead, 20 seconds for the nose/chin region and 10 seconds per cheek. Here are my results so far: my pores on my nose and cheeks have noticeably shrunk, I have far less blackheads and my skin is ridiculously soft. Plus, I have slightly oily skin but since using the system I haven’t been oily at all.
 The makers suggest you use their line of cleansers which are pretty pricey at $25 per bottle. Also, you have to change the brush every 90-120 days and it’s another $25. However, if these results last, I’d say it’s definitely worth it. I’ll keep you all updated!