Buh-Bye D Cup, Hello S,M,L

I’m all for simplification. Want to simplify my bill payments system, social networks or electronics devices? By all means go right ahead. I just never put my bra in the same category. That’s why when I first heard of Barely There’s Smart Size Bras I was reasonably skeptical. I mean women are notorious for wearing the wrong bra sizes and 2-inch difference on the size of your back or cup could cause your boobs to look less than perky.
This new line of bras reduced the number of bra sizes from 16 to five: extra small through extra large. I received my Smart Size Bra last week, and having a larger chest I was skeptical, but I have to say it fits really well. The bras have less of a “cup” shape that you would typically see on a Victoria’s Secret bra for instance. They almost remind me of a cross between a traditional bra and sports bra. It’s really comfy – no rigid underlining – and still really supportive. Overall I’d say I’m happy with it. Better yet, the bras are priced at $24.

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