Book of the Month: A Total Waste of Makeup

 This month’s book is “A Total Waste of Makeup” by Kim Gruenfelder. This book is hysterical. Meet Charlize, a 30-year-old personal assistant to one of Hollywood’s biggest and demanding stars who has to deal with the demands of her job, turning 30, being single and dealing with being maid of honor at her younger sister’s wedding. The book is written as a narrative for the future for Charlize’s great great gand niece since she is pessimistic about ever procreating because of her lack of a serious boyfriend so she imparts her wisdom and life lessons to her fictional niece throughout the book. They are hillarious and true, ie: “Never ask a single person if they’re seeing anyone special; an unemployed person if they’ve found a job, or a married couple when they’re planning to have children. You’re not making conversation. You’re starting someone on the road to Prozac.” Definitely worth reading. Get it here icon for $9.84.

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