Despite visiting London every few months over the last couple of years, I only recently made it to visiting Notting Hill for the first time. Waiting so long to spend a day there was a big mistake given that it’s got a little bit of everything us fashion-focused chicks look for. Oh, and it might be one of the most Instagrammable parts of all of London. Having recently been, I decided to assemble a Notting Hill Guide for readers.
The neighborhood is storybook London, with pastel-painted townhomes and pristine, windy roads. If you make a visit I suggest a few things: Bring a nice camera as it’s super picturesque, clear 3-4 hours so that you can meander and shop and lastly, but most importantly, take out cash so that you can buy from the local vendors.
To shop, you’ll want to head to the famed Portobello Road, which is a beautiful street lined with purveyors of all things pretty on both sides of the streets. The stalls carry everything from vintage mismatched tea cups, to antique books, 70s fashion, you name it. For me, Portobello Road gave me a bit of sensory overload and caused me to feel like a kid in a candy shop. Literally everywhere I turned had items that I wanted to buy, and being that most of the wares are vintage, it felt like it was now or never.
I wound up buying some vintage china and a Tale of Two Cities, second edition. After, I stumbled into a great café where I got pressed green juice, which made me feel like I was back in New York.
Looking for more London travel ideas? Check our our guide to the best places to eat in London.