I’ve upped my running game in the last few months and as a result, I developed a nasty case of runner’s knee, which I’ve chronicled here on the blog. The pain was super intense and sidelined my running for a while. After visiting one of Manhattan’s top sports surgeons, I learned that my footwear plus a lack of stretching was the likely culprit. This set me on a mission for the best running shoes.
My sneakers were Nike cross trainers and about a year old, which didn’t seem unfit for me. But, once I upgraded to actual running shoes, I saw a world a difference. After doing extensive research (like REALLY extensive research where I interviewed all my friends who run marathons, read every article on the internet, etc.) I decided to order two pairs of running shoes to wear during my workouts. Below is my write up of each, and let me just say they have been God sends. Can’t recommend them both enough (Sorry, Nike!).
Brooks Glycerin 14: First off, Brooks came highly recommended by all my runner friends and the brand specializes in running, which meant it was a natural place for me to start on my expedition for the perfect and most supportive running shoe. When the Glycerins arrived, I was super impressed by how pretty they are. I opted for the pattern shown above, but this shoe comes in an array of color combinations, meaning there is something for everyone. I liked that fashion wasn’t an afterthought for the brand, even though they are known for being so technical.
When I put the shoe on, there was an immediate difference in how they felt on my foot compared to my old Nikes. The padding and buoyancy under my toes was so noticeable that I couldn’t believe I had deigned to put my foot in a cross trainer when this had been an option the whole time. Once I got on the treadmill, my gait had completely changed and it felt like the shoe was absorbing the impact of my running rather than my ankles and knees. The effect is that you feel like you are running on air, not a hard treadmill. I’ve been using this pair when I take breaks at work, so I keep them at my office, and running in them is such a treat. I haven’t had any flare ups of runner’s knee, which is a testament to the build of the shoe. Total keepers that I would highly recommend. They cost $120 and can be purchased here.
Newton Gravity 6: Newton was not a brand I was familiar with, but it’s very well known in the running world I soon learned after setting out on my research. The company is called Newton Running, and I learned through this experiment that if you’re going to run, you should stick with a sneaker maker who makes running its sole purpose (no pun intended). Like the Brooks, this shoe had uber cushioning that made you feel like you are walking and running on air. I’ve come to learn that this is extremely important in preventing the range of ailments you can get from running without proper support. There’s a reason that this shoe became the company’s top-selling model since it launched.
When I put the shoe on and started my runs, both on the treadmill and outside, I almost felt like I was bouncing off of the floor because of the “POP1” platform built into the sole. Seriously, it’s a game changer. I found myself running longer runs and having no discomfort in either knee. I also love that the sneaker is made of a breathable mesh that keeps your feet from sweating. Overall, the sneaker is majorly supportive, comfortable and fashionable. Would also highly recommend to friends and readers. Newton Gravity 6’s retail for $175.